2009年9月15日 星期二

ZigBee RF4CE Specs

From WSN Blog

The ZigBee RF4CE specification for advanced remote controls is now available for public download. ZigBee RF4CE replaces infrared (IR) with radio frequency (RF) communication in remote controls, allowing non-line-of-sight operation, greater range and longer battery life for consumer electronic (CE) remote controls used with HDTV, home theater equipment, set-top boxes and other audio equipment.

Announced in March 2009, ZigBee RF4CE is a standardized specification for RF remote controls that enables faster, more reliable and greater flexibility for devices to operate from longer distances. It removes the line-of-sight and field-of-vision barriers in today’s IR remotes and by supporting two-way communication, it opens the door for a whole new set of capabilities. The ZigBee RF4CE specification is designed for a wide range of products, including home entertainment devices, lighting control, security monitoring, keyless entry systems and many more.

The RF4CE specification is available for public download. For an overview, download the “Understanding ZigBee RF4CE” technology paper available here

The press relaese from the alliance is also available here along with a FAQ

2009年6月29日 星期一

EnerPak harvesting power management for wireless sensors


EnerPak from TPL Inc is a sophisticated power management and energy storage system for energy harvesting-powered wireless sensors that have moderate power needs due to high data rate, the need to support a mesh network topology, or complex data measurement requirements. It features dynamic peak power tracking, a broad operating temperature range (-20°C to 60°C), and a broad dynamic range of delivered power (from microWatts to hundreds of milliWatts). It accommodates the low, variable and intermittent nature of energy harvesting sources, while providing reliable, regulated power necessary for critical sensing applications. Built around an ultra-low power microcontroller, EnerPak can consume as little as 5-8µA, enabling efficient use of the harvested energy for the application load. The system uses low impedance supercapacitors at the output to enable efficient delivery of high power burst loads while a lithium-polymer battery provides back-up in the event of a failure of the ambient energy.
Nominally designed for use in low-power wireless sensor applications (e.g., ZigBee, Wireless HART, ISA SP100, etc.) the EnerPak can be customized for almost any user-specified profile. It is also compatible with multiple different energy harvester devices (e.g., thermoelectric, photovoltaic, vibration) as the application demands. Currently two systems are available: the power management electronics and energy storage system that can be used with a harvester of the user's choice (EnerPak PM-1), or a module with an integrated 1" x 2" photovoltaic (PV) array (EnerPak SC-1). The EnerPak is available either as an enclosed system with a total packaged volume comparable to that of a standard D cell or, for integration with a customer's sensor module, the control electronics are available as a stand-alone board.
We asked Charles Lakeman, Vice President of the Micropower Division of TPL Inc.how he saw the business evolving and he replied as follows:
"Our business focuses on industrial users of wireless sensors. Based on our analysis we anticipate the global market for energy-harvesting as a power source for these sensors could reach several hundred million dollars with oil & gas, utilities, water, and equipment monitoring being the main users. We are targeting users who need more than pressure and temperature measurements for which battery powered sensors that are available and being installed today have a lifetime that is acceptable to users. I hope you understand if I am unable to disclose our specific business projections at this time. As for the number of nodes involved, I don't know if my crystal ball is better than anyone else's, but the adoption of energy harvesting is in its infancy, and will accelerate once users learn to trust it. Five years ago, users were very skeptical of wireless sensing - probably for good reason. Recently, however, networks of 1000s of sensors are being deployed - up from 10 to 100-sensor pilots a few years ago. Jeff Becker, Honeywell Process Solutions' global wireless business director, commented that "buying trends support this tendency: historically initial purchases of wireless sensors were relatively small - five motes per project, for example. But over the last four years or so, the average number of transmitters purchased at these same sites has steadily increased. ... In other words, most companies start small and expand their plants' wireless systems." (Chemical Engineering, November 2007, p. 34). I expect energy harvesting to follow a similar trajectory; when or whether, global deployments of billions of units will be reached, I can't say. Particular harvesting technologies used in these applications will, of course, include solar, but also vibration (piezoelectric, electrostatic and electromagnetic) and waste heat (thermoelectric). We are building strategic relationships will suppliers of these technologies."
He believes that he preeminent market opportunity for harvested energy lies with wireless sensors. Combining sensors that can detect changes in the environment with low power microcontrollers and radios, wireless sensors are being deployed in a variety of applications. While commonly available batteries suffice for some applications, there is a large and growing market where access to sensor nodes may be limited, dangerous or costly and routine maintenance to replace exhausted batteries will be impossible. This is the driving force for adoption of harvested energy, he argues.
He notes that much of the effort in energy harvesting design has been framed by the development of ultra-low power microcontrollers and advanced wireless communications technologies, producing a wealth of devices that can provide energy for measuring, processing and communicating small packets of data (such as temperature or pressure). "Collecting, processing and (above all) communicating data consume energy - and the more collecting, processing or communicating that takes place, the more energy is required."

2009年6月28日 星期日

實現智慧生活 無線感測網路技術扮推手

From EE Times Taiwan

拓墣產業研究所(TRI)針對無線感測網路(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)市場發表研究報告,指出WSN是政府「愛台12建設藍圖」中,實現智慧台灣、智慧生活產業與環境營造等願景的推手。而因為近年台灣網通廠面臨發展瓶頸,新應用缺乏、新標準出現、低毛利掙扎是多家一線網通專業代工大廠的困境;因此政府2007~2011年國家資訊發展方案的優質網路社會主軸,提供了無線感測網路的發展養分,給予網通產業新的發展方向。

透 過網路匯流、感知環境、創新服務,科技將與不同產業產生密切連結,例如水、電、土木工程、醫療、農漁畜牧、媒體、藝術創作等。拓墣產業研究所ITIS計畫 主持人楊勝帆表示,除了積體電路、微電機、無線技術和網通等一般認知的科技產業外,每一個搭配的領域都會孕育出新的產業環境,進而帶動新興產業價值鏈體 系,預期未來五到十年將對許多主要產業帶來衝擊。

安全、娛樂加節約 感測技術樣樣通

目 前WSN以應用於商業大樓自動控制大宗的ZigBee技術為核心,提供特定人物追蹤、無線環境監控、設備管控、安全監控、醫療等服務,ITIS預 估,2008年ZigBee晶片出貨量為3,400萬顆,預期2011年可達1億8,100萬顆;而在2010年價格降至1美元後,無線感測網路市場將開 始浮出水面。


根據On World預測,至2012年在樂觀預估下,當市場普及率達2.5%,將有6,950萬個Sensor Node市場規模,因此僅硬體的部分,就將有驚人的市場,更遑論軟體和服務端的無窮潛力。

(來源:ZigBee Alliance;拓墣產業研究所整理,2009/05)

在油電齊漲恐無止歇與節能風潮推動下,能源管理與效能規劃是各國政府發展重要政策,此時WSN技術提供了妥善的解決之道。美國歐巴馬政府的振興經濟方案藍圖中,就預計兩年內將投入110億美元建置智慧電網及先進電表(Advanced Metering Infrastructure,AMI);義大利也已完成近3,000萬個電表,總投入金額達21億歐元。

智 慧型電表並不只用於電力,亦包含了水力、燃油、瓦斯等能源計算管控,目前全球智慧型電表的市場規模約為4,000萬台,只有6%的電表、8%的瓦斯表及 4%的水表完成了數位化,未來倍數成長趨勢可期;因為需求端降低成本、二氧化碳減量、能源安定供給、節能效益等目標,是無論個人消費者或官方都期望達成 的。

不但IBM、西門子、GE、Intel等硬體大廠相繼投入相關產業,Google也與電力公司合作跨足智慧電網市場,開 發Google PowerMeter應用程式,iGoogle使用者申請此項服務後,可顯示消費者家中各種電器用電量,並讀取智慧型電表的資訊及分析,找出節能方式以減 少電費。


台廠零組件具優勢 產業整合為成功關鍵

目 前台灣業者從上游的晶片至下游服務、設備等皆有跨足,達盛電子提供包括硬體、軟體及佈建工程諮詢之無線感測解決方案;華寶、台達電在Zigbee模組部分 有專擅;Zigbee服務的供應者有睿盛、泰博等;華寶、正文、亞旭也生產諸多Zigbee設備;被動元件廠商禾伸堂亦積極跨入系統模組的領域,待消費終 端產品加入發展行列後,將有利於產業鏈的完整建構。

觀察台灣廠商在相關領域的產業鏈發展,技術與硬體生產本身是問題最小的,因為不論是 MAC、PHY、基頻、射頻、MCU及ADC等各零件,大廠幾乎囊括並掌握所有技術,反而最大問題在於科技產業跨入不同產業時的障礙。

例 如建築業、醫療界、公共事務領域(水、電、瓦斯)、基礎工程、一般電器等產業,各行有各自的產業文化、行銷方式、消費需求、獲利模式,對所謂「科技、數位 化」的瞭解和接受度也有很長的磨合期,是以如何弭平供給端與需求端的歧異,事實上才是WSN要尋求發展及醞釀商機的最大鴻溝。

現 在經濟部技術處成立了智慧生活聯盟,宗旨即為跨業平台進行異業整合,以實質研發整合不同產業,共同發展創新產品與服務,「節能減碳」與「智慧生活」是發展 重點。節能減碳應用包括建築物主動式感測節能、照明系統和能源負載調整的整合,產業供應鏈的智慧型能源供給調配、低耗能/低排碳硬體設備生產作業流程等系 統整合。


拓 墣產業研究所認為,各聯盟的出現,也顯示了WSN發展過程中,整合是最關鍵的要素;除了國際大廠能扮演整合角色,政府也是主角的不二人選,在政策上推動新 一代技術之上中下游合作,促成國內各產業與新技術密切結合,強化整合各方資源,統籌運用輔導,才能讓台灣業者更上一層樓,搶佔全球市場先機。